Salim Parker
South Africa
Salim Parker is a travel medicine and general practitioner based in Cape Town. He is the past president and current executive member of the South African Society of Travel Medicine (SASTM) and serves on the Liaison Committee member of the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM). and co-authored the Hajj Travel chapter in the last 4 editions of the CDC Yellow Book on Travelers Health. He is an Honorary Research Associate in the Division of Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine at the University of Cape Town and collaborates with the Global Centre for Mass Gatherings Medicine based in Riyadh. He has accompanied pilgrims on the annual Hajj to Saudi Arabia as a medical officer for more than 20 years and is passionate about fulfilling the travel aspirations of special need groups, such as the hearing and visually impaired and those with trisomy 21. Those with end stage life conditions such as terminal cancers and who want to travel are of special interest to him. Complex medical cases with a fervour to wander also piques his interest. He serves on the editorial boards of journals such as the Journal of Travel Medicine, and is often asked to review original travel related submissions.