ISTM Leadership
The ISTM Executive Board
The ISTM Executive Board works to promote and protect the interests of ISTM members and stakeholders to advance travel medicine internationally.
Gerard Flaherty
Ireland -
Anne McCarthy
Canada -
Hilmir Asgeirsson
Sweden -
Christina Coyle
United States of America -
Francesca Norman
Spain -
Nahoko Sato
Japan -
Salim Parker
Co-Op Voting Member
South Africa -
Michael Jones
Secretary-Treasurer (Non-Voting)
United Kingdom -
Karen A Goraleski
Interim Executive Director (Non-Voting)
United States of America
The ISTM Publication Editors
The Journal of Travel Medicine transports you to the challenging areas of your field with up-to-date research and original, peer-reviewed articles.
Travel Medicine News aims to encourage a lively, timely, and informative exchange of information between ISTM members in the form of news, views and notices.
Annelies Wilder-Smith
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Travel Medicine
Switzerland -
Nancy Pietroski
Editor-in-Chief, Travel Medicine News
United States of America -
Jakrapun Pupaibool
Associate Editor, Travel Medicine News
United States of America
The ISTM Committee Chairs
ISTM Committees are chartered and tasked by the Executive Board following Operational Guidelines specified in the ISTM Bylaws and Rules and Regulations.
Alexandra Grieve
Chair, Publications Oversight Committee
United Kingdom -
Charles D. Ericsson
Chair, Special Recognitions Committee
United States of America -
Gail Rosselot
Chair, Continuing Professional Development Committee
United States of America -
Pierre Landry
Chair, Examination Committee
Switzerland -
Robert Steffen
Chair, Liaison Committee; Interim Chair, Development Professional Committee
Switzerland -
Sarah McGuinness
Chair, Digital Communications Committee
Australia -
Yen Bui
Chair, Professional Education Committee
Canada -
Jenny Visser
Chair, Membership Committee
New Zealand
The ISTM Professional Group Chairs
ISTM Professional Groups are self-organized groups of 50 or more non-physician members with a common professional degree (e.g. nursing, pharmacy). All healthcare professionals, including physicians with sub-specializations, are eligible to form Interest Groups.
Catherine Keil
Chair, Nursing
Australia -
Keri Hurley-Kim
Chair, Phamacist
United States of America -
John Byron
Chair, Primary Travel Doctor
New Zealand
The ISTM Interest Group Chairs
ISTM Interest Groups are self-organized groups of 25 or more members with a common professional interest usually pertaining to a single sub-group of travelers or a single issue affecting large groups of travelers.
Andrea Farnham
Chair, Technology Interest Group
Switzerland -
Maureen MacConnell
Chair, Psychological Health of Travelers
Canada -
Natalie Prevatt
Chair, Pediatrics
United Kingdom -
Olivier Aoun
Chair, Military Travel
France -
Sapha Barkati
Chair, Migrant and Refugee Health
Canada -
Andrea Rossanese
Chair, Expedition and Wilderness Medicine
Italy -
Anne Maclean
Chair, Responsible Travel
United Kingdom -
Catherine Ebelke
Co-Chair Student Travel Abroad
United States of America -
Jenny Sisson
Chair, Travel for Work
Australia -
Julie Richards
Co-Chair, Student Travel Abroad
United States of America