Journal of Travel Medicine

Editor-in-Chief: Annelies Wilder-Smith, United Kingdom
Deputy Editor: Eli Schwartz, Israel
Journal of Travel Medicine Editorial Board
JTM is an online only publication, available to all ISTM Members as an exclusive ISTM Member Benefit via the ISTM and OUP websites. The Journal of Travel Medicine transports you to the challenging areas of your field with up-to-date research and original, peer-reviewed articles on:
- Epidemiology of health risks among various groups of travelers, including migrants, refugees
- Aspects of adventure travel, e.g. diving, effects of high altitude
- Travel related aspects of occupational and military medicine
- Prevention of illness and accidents in travelers, e.g. by education, immunization, medication
- Diagnosis, clinical management and therapy of travel and migration associated disease
- Self-therapy abroad, including travel kit
- Impact of travel on host countries